Monday, January 28, 2008

Grandma's Advice

"Put on a pair of cotton gloves before putting on your pantyhose. It will prevent your fingernails from snagging them, and you won't have to worry about poking your finger through them."

--From my Grandma Adelyne, my mother's mother.

"If you need to sew a button back on a blouse but don't have any matching thread, take a length of thread from an inside seam and use that."

--From Frances Stevens, my aunt's mother-in-law (not technically my grandma, but close enough!)


Anonymous said...

Where've you been? I keep checking back for new posts but it seems like there hasn't been any in a long time. I hope you didn't fall off the face of the earth!

Anonymous said...

that is such a good tip :) thanks!

Emmy said...

Hey, Cuz! Miss your updates - can't wait to hear all about England!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello there I am new to your blog and it appears that you haven't posted in a long time but I hope that you start again! I read through the archives and everything its so wonderful

Anonymous said...

How is everything going? Hope you are doing great.

Dakrish said...

Hi there,

I just found your blog and... where've you gone? I'm guessing you're living in rainy ol' England now...

Please keep writing, I'm finding you so lovely and inspiring! :)


Aletha said...

I just found your blog today. I do hope that you will post again. I feel so relaxed as I'm reading.