Tuesday, May 29, 2007

What Your Husband Wishes He Could Tell You

Have you ever found yourself sitting with your beloved in front of the tv? You're clipping your toenails before flossing your teeth. You're wearing that hideous floppy grey flannel robe and your legs hairier than a lumberjack's. And then you find yourself wondering why the romance is gone.

Unfortunately, many of us settle down with our spouses and gradually fall into a cycle of not really caring if our husbands see the nitty-gritty of our personal hygiene. This is often the first step in the infamous "letting yourself go" that every bride swears on her life she will not do.

But "letting yourself go" is an awfully vague statement; one that's sometimes very hard to define. But if you already have, you probably recognize it. So how do you remedy it? I'll give you a few specifics I feel are important, but feel free to add or subtract things according to your lifestyle and habits. It may not be pretty, but it's some things that need to be said plainly.

Let's first get the really yucky stuff out of the way!

Never, ever, EVER use the commode in front of your husband. That is just disgusting, and I am shocked not only by how many women do it, but also by how many talk about it! A few seem to think that this proves the openness of their marriage and how "comfortable they feel around one another." I think it shows a serious lack of respect. If you wouldn't do it in front of a guest, you shouldn't do it in front of the man you love most. And if you feel you absolutely must, please refrain from speaking about it to others, especially at play group! On a related note, during your "lady's days" never rinse out your delicates and leave them in the sink to soak. No one but the owner of the delicates should ever see them in a less-than-pristine state. When you throw away anything that you may use in conjunction with your lady's days, please make sure it's wrapped up tightly in toilet paper so that nobody has to look at disgusting things sitting on top of the garbage. Once again, it's just yucky. If you have to use the bathroom for more than just powdering your nose and freshening you lipstick, make sure you are kind enough to spray a little freshener into the air. If you have to--ahem--poot--please do him a favor and leave the room first. Go get a glass of water, check on something in the kitchen, but don't just sit there and do it in front of him. This also falls into the if-you-must-do-it-don't-talk-about-it-at-play group category.

Okay, now on to something that's not quite so crude!

Don't let your legs get all horrible and hairy. I am well aware that nobody actually likes to shave their legs, but try to get it done at least twice a week. Personally, I do mine on Saturday (so they're ready for pantyhose at church on Sunday) and Tuesday. Shaving your legs in front of him is okay, shaving anywhere else is not. Logically he knows that women are hairy in the occasional place, but he'd desperately like to pretend they aren't; that they are just naturally smooth and silky where necessary.

Brushing your teeth in front of him is usually okay, but flossing is not.

Painting your toenails in front of him is okay, scraping the crusty callouses off your feet is not.

Putting on perfume; okay. Putting on deodorant; not. Again, he desperately wants to pretend you smell like a rose all the time and never have to worry about something as unfeminine as odor.

Things that are also okay include showering with lots of bubbly, scented body wash, lolling about in a hot bath, putting on make up, fluffing dusting powder over yourself, and doing your hair.

If you want the courtship to continue after marriage, it is so important to take the time and make the same effort you did prior to your wedding. Most men will appreciate these little efforts. Many will reciprocate by treating their wives not as a roommate who shares a bed, but as a companion and lover.

Try it for youself!


Anonymous said...

Hi there! I just wanted to leave a little note saying that my mom (Elk Grove Susan) told me about your blog and I'm loving it!
Many blessings on your newly expanded family. :-)

This post is great! As a wife of three years and counting, it is good to be reminded of these things now and then. :-)

Anonymous said...

I've known couples that use that "we're comfortable with each other" approach to these issues. I never did agree with it, and even felt that there was something WRONG with that attitude. Thanks for the reminders. I need them even after 25 years of marriage! :)
"Kate's" mom ;)

Danielle Dyball said...

Congrats on your newest addition. I just found your blog, and am so happy to "meet" you. I have just read through all your pasts posts, lucky for me your a new blogger:-)

I am a twenty something mom of 3 also, 2 girls (5 & 4) and a boy who just turned 1. I too have "old fashioned" (as some would call them) views. This is actually something me & hubby talk about often. The lack of morals & just common courtesy in the world.

About keeping hygiene to yourself, I can't believe people don't. I don't do any of your no-no's in front of hubby. Me & my husband are very close & open with each other without having to include the other in our bathroom routines!!

Looking forward to your posts, once you find time. Enjoy your little one(s)!!

Take Care,

theups said...

The more I read of your blog, the more I am LOVING it!!! I really enjoy reading about being more ladylike. Women are everywhere. A lady is very rare these days.

I've actually never thought about some of the things you wrote about. Whether I am guilty of doing them or not, I shall not discuss. It's not ladylike. :)

Thank you for such a lovely post!!

Mrs. U

Melissa said...

This post is sooo funny and sooo true! I'm not married yet but I can see EXACTLY where you're coming from! You're so funny! I'm glad it's just use ladies reading this! haha!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for talking about something most do not. I read a Christian woman's book years ago that tackled this subject and have seen anything on it since but it makes so much sense. It goes along with also dressing more like a woman and acting more like one...not wearing men's clothing or going around giggling change in your pockets like men do and such. Than ks for the reminder.

mysandrasdaughter said...

Where did you come from and where have you been all my life? This is a lovely blog - stumbled upon it this morning and have been engrossed every since!

Tracy said...

Amen to everything. Except shaving the legs. Twice a week? No way! I NEVER want my man to feel stubble, and I shave each and EVERY day. I've been married for almost 19 years, and the romance is still very much alive!